The broad spread of Mr Syed activities, indicates a broader spread of understanding of Governmental and Corporates challenges in the 21st Century. He has had 3 years of Military training at the Royal Artillery; trained by professional photographers, also won photographic prices and worked as a Photographic Lab Technician. Had successfully, built a family perfume business, previously situated around the present Olympic Park. He was a member of The Institute of Public Relations, is a qualified Scuba Diver, Horse Rider, and has researched extensively all global conflicts, during university, that lead to his Social Cohesion work covering the many domestic social issues we face today from racism to terrorism. He has met many iconic figures in his lifetime, with many sadly passed away, however they have all endorsed him. This not only underlines Mr Syed’s very impressive credentials, with a distinctive vision, and foresight. He has already helped to shape modern Britain, single handily, for the better. He has proven to be a self-motivator, and unselfishly awarded others for their contribution. It helped to open-up the closed Media industry, to more Ethnic Minorities, who without his pioneering contribution would still be experiencing convert discrimination.