Academic Background

Mr Syed is a communication Consultant, with a sound academic background, who has helped to shape the many institution he has been involved with. He did pioneer, with Diplomats from Thailand, The International Diplomatic Training School, at School of Oriental & African Studies (University of London) in 1991/2. Responsibilities included lecturing, research, diplomatic liaison, course marketing and its strategic planning. In his postgraduate communication officer role, helped SOAS to set-up, their PR office. He went on to work for Saatchi & Saatchi on their Corporate & Governmental Accounts. Becoming the first male Ethnic Minority Account Manager; working in their PR/Lobbying & Marketing division alongside Rt. Hon John Bercow MP, (Speaker of the House of Commons – since June 2009). Media Liaison Officer at University of Bradford, from Student Union Executive Officer appointment, was heavily involved in crisis management during the Salman Rushdie, Satanic Verses publication (1988). He organised a conference to celebrate ‘The INF Treaty’, displaying the end of the Cold War with many visiting American and Soviet students (1989). At University of South Bank, he pioneered a more inclusive Student Society to break down, racial barriers as a member of the Student Union constitutional committee. As President of the Student Union, Vauxhall College, he gained a unique understanding for promoting a ‘Multicultural’ environment, through sports, charity events, to promote Social Cohesion. Mr Syed recognised the need for ‘conflict resolution’, not only through a cold war environment, but from social issues around, race, class and even culture /religion.
